Monday, January 4


wow, 2009 is over what a year.
i dont know how it was for you, but we definately learnt alot and had a pretty good time.
2009 was the year we first took the band seriously, we've release and EP and toured it.
met some champion people, made some fans, even sold a CD or two. (not to mention get beat up by bouncers.). I apologise for my lack of blogging over the last few months, but we've been busy and the times are a-changing. but once things are in full swing again (and we're out of holiday season) we should have a little more consistency.

the battles begun tour was fun, sure it wasn't a raging success but we learnt heaps, had some funny as hell times, and ended up with a pretty damn good EP under our belt. Not to mention the experience of being on the road, the next tour is going to be much more promising.

so whats next?

2010 brings us into a new year of times to be had, and we've got a good idea of we're (and how) we're going to be taking the band. We're aiming to release another EP by the end of the year, and tour it of course, but before then you'll be hearing more from the CSC boys. Before the end of February we're aiming at recording (and maybe releasing, if your nice..and if we do good) a brand new batch of demo's. We'll still be maintaining a steady flow of gigs throughout the year as per usual with the CSC team.

all we need is your help and support over the next 12 months. we've still got plenty of shirts and CDs that need distribution, we might even start cutting some deals to fans.

right-on people, we'll see you soon.
love redneck